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<<「雲端運算與應用」系列演講(四)     |  第二屆台灣 Hadoop 使用者社群會議 >>


雲端分散式資料庫 Apache HBase
"Cloud Computing and its Application" lecture series:
Apache HBase

   資料庫應用對於資訊產業已是不容或缺的一環,但隨著資料巨幅地成長,傳統關聯式資料庫將面臨無法持續擴充的效能瓶頸。知名雲端服務提供者谷歌(Google)針對大量資料的儲存、分析與查詢,分別提出 Google File System 分散式檔案系統、MapReduce 演算法與 Big Table 分散式資料庫。Apache 基金會的 Hadoop 專案實作了前兩者,而 HBase 則基於 Hadoop,提供分散式資料庫的解決方案。此次演講很榮幸邀請到現任趨勢科技資深軟體架構師,也是 HBase 專案關鍵貢獻者(Commitor)的 Andrew Purtell 來為大家介紹 Apache HBase 專案的近期發展,歡迎對於雲端分散式資料庫系統感興趣的同好踴躍參加。

   Andrew Purtell is a Senior Architect at Trend Micro. He has been a committing member of the Apache HBase project since 2008. Andrew has been a research engineer involved with leading edge technologies for more than 10 years, including large scale distributed systems, Internet technologies, and operating systems.

   In this talk, we will discuss the current state of Apache HBase and its capabilities and also what is upcoming in the near future, such as Improved data durability (with HDFS-200), Clearly defined ACID properties spec (and tests), Discretionary access control, Multi data center replication, etc.

13:30~15:00 講 題:Apache HBase
講 者:Andrew Purtell, Senior Architect of Trend Micro
15:00~15:30 Q & A


國家高速網路與計算中心 / 台中市科學園區科園路22號

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